Can you protect your incoming student in an emergency?
As recent experience shows, life can change quickly. As your student prepares to go to school, do you have everything you need to make sure an emergency won’t disrupt your lives?
As recent experience shows, life can change quickly. As your student prepares to go to school, do you have everything you need to make sure an emergency won’t disrupt your lives?
Many parents don’t realize that once their child turns 18, they no longer have the authority to make medical or financial decisions on their child’s behalf, even in an emergency.
Student Legal Forms offers you a simple, affordable and quick way to put in place the state-specific legal documents you need — Medical and Financial Powers of Attorney — to easily make those decisions for your student in the event of an emergency.
Lets parents make medical decisions and direct their child’s care.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
Permits healthcare providers to disclose medical information.
Lets parents access rental units, pay bills and student loans, and manage a student’s affairs if they are incapacitated.
Without these documents in place, you could spend hours in an emergency proving you’re next of kin when you should be spending it with your child.
No need to parse through tedious legalese; every step is explained simply and clearly.
No need to set aside a day to take care of this project; filling out the required information will take fifteen minutes.
Attorneys charge hundreds of dollars an hour—but our documents are available for just $49.