
Guarantee your ability to be fully informed and authorized to act in case your child experiences a medical, financial or legal emergency 

HIPAA Authorization 

A signed HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) Authorization form is a permission slip that allows healthcare providers to disclose medical information to designated individuals, such as parents or trusted guardians.  

The HIPAA Authorization form does not grant rights to make medical decisions on the student’s behalf, as in the case of a medical emergency when the student is incapacitated. For those rights, a Durable Health Care Power of Attorney is required.  

The HIPAA Authorization form does not have to be notarized or witnessed. 

Why do I need a HIPAA Release? 

It permits healthcare providers to disclose your student’s health information.  Without it, parents do not have automatic access.   

Also Known As: HIPAA Release Form 

Durable Medical Power of Attorney

A Durable Medical Power of Attorney, signed and executed ahead of time, authorizes parents to make medical decisions on their child’s behalf, and guarantees access to their child’s medical records and the right to converse with healthcare providers on their child’s behalf.  

By executing a Durable Medical Power of Attorney, parents are ensuring their right to make medical decisions for their child in case their child is unable to make those decisions. 

Why do I need a Durable Medical Power of Attorney? 

  • Make health care decisions, regarding treatment and providers, if your child is incapacitated. 
  • Access protected private health information through  HIPPA Authorization.
  • Obtain right to acquire all necessary information from health care providers in both written and verbal communications. 
  • Avoid court-appointed guardians. 

Also Known As: Durable Health Care Proxy, Medical Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Health Care Agent, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Health Care Designation, Health Proxy 

Durable Financial Power of Attorney

A Durable Financial Power of Attorney (FPOA), signed and executed ahead of time, enables parents to make financial, business, and legal decisions on their child’s behalf. The FPOA can provide that the power vests immediately after signing the document or that it vests only if the child becomes incapacitated or otherwise unable to act, due to inaccessibility related to travel, for example.  

The FPOA enables the parent to sign tax returns, access bank accounts, pay bills, settle legal disputes, and interact with insurance companies and landlords as a surrogate for their child, among many other rights and abilities, granted. 

Why do I need a Durable Financial Power of Attorney?  

  • Serve as surrogate for financial, business, and legal tasks for a child who is traveling, deployed or incapacitated. 
  • Manage bank and investment accounts, insurance policies, taxes and benefits, student loans, and financial aid obligations. 
  • Represent child in interactions with credit card companies, creditors, landlords, insurance companies, child’s employer, government agencies, and college administration. 

Also Known As: Finance Power of Attorney, General Durable Power of Attorney 

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